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Promoting Wellbeing and Resilience in the Cape Town Jewish Community 


A vibrant, healthy, and resilient Cape Town Jewish Community.





Promoting individual and community wellbeing by addressing current and evolving needs in the realms of physical, emotional, social, spiritual, financial and intellectual wellness.


Respect, dignity, integrity, resilience, connection, compassion, inclusion, connection & leadership.



About Section


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JEWELL is an initiative to promote and enhance holistic wellbeing and resilience within the Cape Town Jewish Community.


Our community, much like the rest of the world, has seen a steady rise in mental health and psychological challenges across various demographics, with elevated rates of depression, addiction, and suicide recorded over the past decade. More recently, having to navigate the Covid pandemic, the trauma of October 7th, the state in the Middle East, as well as heightened global and local antisemitism, many in our community are feeling increasingly vulnerable and anxious. Elevated concern around current and future safety and security, finds many struggling emotionally and psychologically.


The wellbeing of our community is of paramount importance, and these challenges have underscored the need for a proactive approach to wellness. Addressing current and evolving individual and community needs, JEWELL focuses on areas of physical, emotional, social, spiritual, intellectual and financial wellness, with the aim to create a sustainable and supportive framework for individuals and families.


Relevant offerings and a network of service providers in our community are collated and shared via the JEWELL website, Facebook page and Instagram page, accessible through sign-up and approval for security reasons.


This initiative recognizes the importance of a unified and organised effort, and by leveraging existing resources, addressing gaps, and planning for a dedicated wellness centre, aims to foster a healthier and more resilient community.​ 


We invite you to join this journey towards a more innovative, supportive, and connected Cape Town Jewish future, where we continue to not only survive, but thrive as the unique, unparalleled, and world-renowned Jewish community that we are.




Embracing habits that promote bodily health, such as nutrition, exercise, rest, and preventive care. Enhancing vitality and longevity for individuals and the community as a whole.



Cultivating beliefs, values, and practices that foster inner peace, purpose, meaning and connection to others and something greater than ourselves. Enriching communal bonds and collective meaning.


Striving for equitable access to resources, financial literacy, and sustainable practices to ensure economic stability, empowerment, and prosperity. Cultivating a culture of caring and sustainability for community members and organizations.



Participating in creative and mentally stimulating activities that develop knowledge and skills. Accessing cognitive potential for individual fulfilment and communal benefit, professionally and culturally.


Nurturing self-awareness, empathy, and resilience to navigate diverse emotions and regulate behaviour. Fostering personal wellbeing, relationships and harmonious interactions within the community.



Fostering meaningful relationships, communication, and support networks that strengthen connectedness and belonging. Promoting inclusivity, affiliation and collaboration for collective wellness and social cohesion.

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